Life is Moments


Stories about moments that connect us to God, each other, and ourselves.

A New Day


We’ve just returned home from a trip to the beach. My husband, the early riser in the family, always gets up and watches the sunrise on these trips. Every other time, I’ve valued my sleep more than the opportunity to see the big orange ball make its appearance. On this trip though, I intentionally got up each morning to watch the sunrise. And let me just say, it did not disappoint.

The picture above was made on the first morning of our vacation from our ninth floor balcony. While the picture is truly gorgeous, it’s nothing compared to actually experiencing the sun peeking over the horizon and setting the sky on fire.

My husband, David, recently said, “Life is moments.” This truth stuck a cord with me. I want to have more moments. Being an introvert, this requires me to be intentional in that endeavor. I must literally and figuratively kick myself out of bed to insure that I don’t miss the moments happening all around me.

I’ve experienced many milestone events throughout the years. Graduations, weddings, births, and funerals. But when I look back over my life, moments are what I remember. Looking down at my baby’s tiny hand in mine and wondering at the perfection of it. Laughing with my husband, when I realized the peacock we had just passed on the side of the road was really a discarded green bumper. My brother tenderly kissing the top of my dad’s head at the recent funeral of a family member.

All of these moments are born out of relationships. They are all about my heart connections with those around me. If I’m honest, watching the sunrise from the balcony wouldn’t have been the same alone. When it comes down to it, these moments are all about love. Love is what seals them in my heart and memory. And love is what remains.

I look forward to sharing with you many of the moments I’ve experienced, and I hope you’ll be inspired to recognize your own.

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