Life is Moments


Stories about moments that connect us to God, each other, and ourselves.

Taste and See

I am in a season of savoring. Slowing down and examining every mouthful, every morsel, of life. This slowing down is something I’m learning. More often than not, I’m already mentally moving ahead to the next thing instead of truly experiencing the moment at hand. Many times it’s in hindsight that I realize an opportunity has been missed. Time has taught me that the moments come by once, and then they are gone.

I have recently been reading Ann Voskamp’s book “One Thousand Gifts” and been inspired to begin a list of one thousand things that I am thankful for. One thousand is an overwhelming number. I steady my resolve and begin.

4. Low hanging mist on a crisp fall morning.

7. First sip of morning coffee

I log them and the task becomes about something more. “How do You love me?” Let me count the ways for there is something in the naming and numbering one by one that brings me into a place of communion with the Giver.

9. Warm sleepy baby in my arms.

14. Son number one on the couch when I come home.

19. Baking love, laughter, and pecan pies on a Sunday afternoon.

I find that as I slow down and savor the moments thankfulness comes in unexpected places.

17. Grandson dipping his fortune cookie in ranch dressing.

22. Colorful leaves strewn across the yard.

To be intentionally present is the goal, but doing so means recognizing that I am actually in an encounter of significance. And so I inspect each one turning it over carefully and find that I have been seriously underestimating the worthiness of a multitude of moments. What if I already have everything I need to live a life of joy? What if I only need to have my eyes opened to the gifts that are all around me?

12. Baby boy with reading glasses perched atop his head whilst pretending to cook acorns.

23. Rooster crowing in the distance in the cold stillness of a pre-dawn morning.

There are regrets and unfulfilled longings that continually strive for my attention. There are hard places that I must face. When the whispers in my ear say that my life is empty and meaningless, I will pull out the list and know the Truth. A bounty of gifts has been laid out before me. I only need to take my place at the table and give thanks.

“O taste and see that the Lord is good.” Psalm 34:8

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