Life is Moments


Stories about moments that connect us to God, each other, and ourselves.

Posts tagged #lifeismoments
Sowing Seed

For many years, Boston ferns hung in baskets along my front porch, from spring into fall. I enjoyed their graceful foliage spilling over the edges of their plastic containers. I watered them diligently, especially during the hottest part of summer, and they rewarded me with lush fronds that waved to me as I pulled into the drive at the end of each day. Then one summer, the ferns became infested with tiny caterpillars that quickly ravaged them, leaving behind containers of nothing but long skinny sticks.

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Christmas Came

It was mid-December last year before I got the Christmas tree up. I don’t usually wait that long, but I was having trouble getting into the spirit of things. I put if off over and over waiting for the right time, a convenient time. Eventually, I thought, “Just do it. When the tree’s up and the house is decorated, it’ll feel like Christmas.” So, I did.

But Christmas didn’t come.

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A Change in Season

No matter how much I love the garden, the time always comes to let go. At the beginning of the year, when an unexpected warm day pokes it head into February’s door with the promise of spring, I begin to dream and plan for what I will plant. I envision not only the initial planting, but fantasize of a second summer planting that will keep the supply of cucumbers and tomatoes coming long past August and into September. I even fancy the possibility of fall greens and root vegetables.

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Have you ever lost your sense of wonder? I have.

As children, we were easily amazed. Planes in the sky, bubbles emerging from a soapy wand, the flashing lights and shrieking cry of a firetruck were all it took. Then we grew up and these moved onto a growing list of things we’ve experienced hundreds of times. What we once marveled at, became ordinary.

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