Life is Moments


Stories about moments that connect us to God, each other, and ourselves.

Spring Symphony

Honeysuckle incense rides the breeze.

Pink gardenia. Sprouting zinnia.

Kingfisher fishing. Turtle heads bobbing.

Water stirring.  Fish churning.

Five blue eggs at rest in the fern.


Hummingbird hovers then darts away

Indigo flurry.  Red winged scurry.

Hawk screeching. Squirrels retreating.

Cawing crow. Diving swallow.

Mockingbird teases them all.


Thankfulness rises in soul crescendo.

Peace sublime. Cacophony divine.

Glad meditation. Heart celebration.

Hands raise. Unhindered praise.

Creator magnified by creation’s song.

Eggs in the back porch fern.